Event search: For violence indicators in 'New' SA, the Art of Astrology
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South African Interest" />

Monday, October 29, 2012

Event search: For violence indicators in 'New' SA

Chart: South Africa - 'Freedom' Day

Natal: 27 April 1994 Wed 6:26:23 (GMT+2)

Range of search: 1.01.2000 - 1.01.2020

In steps of: 24h 0m

Orb: 4.125

Search for: Mars[MA] and Mercury[ME] in hard transitory aspects[0,90,180] to themselves and each other. *[see below for explanation]

MA'.0,90,180.MA & ME'.0,90,180.ME


Realization intervals (begin - end):

14.11.2000 0:00 (GMT+2) - 18.11.2000 0:00 (GMT+2)

28.09.2001 0:00 (GMT+2) - 2.10.2001 0:00 (GMT+2)

29.01.2002 0:00 (GMT+2) - 6.02.2002 0:00 (GMT+2)

1.11.2002 0:00 (GMT+2) - 5.11.2002 0:00 (GMT+2)

17.05.2004 0:00 (GMT+2) - 22.05.2004 0:00 (GMT+2)

16.10.2004 0:00 (GMT+2) - 17.10.2004 0:00 (GMT+2) The Harrismith protests in 30.08.2004 20 kids shot with pellets 4500 stream onto N3, MA',ME'.r,5th reduces,.

28.06.2005 0:00 (GMT+2) - 2.07.2005 0:00 (GMT+2) The Kennedy Road road blockade on 19.03.2005[56]

5.05.2006 0:00 (GMT+2) - 7.05.2006 0:00 (GMT+2) The Khutsong protests[26] during 11.2005, 02.2006 and 27.04.2007

18.10.2007 0:00 (GMT+2) - 25.10.2007 0:00 (GMT+2)

11.11.2007 0:00 (GMT+2) - 16.11.2007 0:00 (GMT+2) The N2 Gateway occupations protest corrupt allocation of houses during Dec 2007 and 2008[57]

4.01.2009 0:00 (GMT+2) - 9.01.2009 0:00 (GMT+2)

28.07.2012 0:00 (GMT+2) - 29.07.2012 0:00 (GMT+2) The Marikana Longmin Strike 16.08.2012

24.04.2014 0:00 (GMT+2) - 26.04.2014 0:00 (GMT+2)

9.11.2014 0:00 (GMT+2) - 13.11.2014 0:00 (GMT+2)

7.02.2017 0:00 (GMT+2) - 12.02.2017 0:00 (GMT+2)

Searching for: Mars[MA] and Mercury[ME] in hard transitory aspects[0,90,180] to Mars only,.

MA'.0,90,180.MA & ME'.0,90,180.MA further as they seems to highlight Alexandria Xenophobia and Andries Tatane incidents,..


Realization intervals (begin - end):

25.03.2003 0:00 (GMT+2) - 26.03.2003 0:00 (GMT+2)

26.12.2003 0:00 (GMT+2) - 27.12.2003 0:00 (GMT+2)

5.10.2004 0:00 (GMT+2) - 6.10.2004 0:00 (GMT+2) The Harrismith protests, MA',ME'.r,5th reduces further,.

24.04.2006 0:00 (GMT+2) - 26.04.2006 0:00 (GMT+2) The Khutsong protests[26] during 11.2005, 02.2006 and 27.04.2007

17.09.2006 0:00 (GMT+2) - 21.09.2006 0:00 (GMT+2)

6.04.2008 0:00 (GMT+2) - 7.04.2008 0:00 (GMT+2) Alexandria Xenophobia 12 May 2008 MA'.r.90.MA //Dec2007 & ME' std orb6 .90.ME //Feb2008

3.09.2008 0:00 (GMT+2) - 9.09.2008 0:00 (GMT+2)

4.09.2009 0:00 (GMT+2) - 10.09.2009 0:00 (GMT+2)

19.04.2011 0:00 (GMT+2) - 20.04.2011 0:00 (GMT+2) Andries Tatane, 13.04.2011

22.07.2013 0:00 (GMT+2) - 23.07.2013 0:00 (GMT+2)

28.12.2013 0:00 (GMT+2) - 2.01.2014 0:00 (GMT+2)

12.07.2015 0:00 (GMT+2) - 15.07.2015 0:00 (GMT+2)

11.10.2016 0:00 (GMT+2) - 15.10.2016 0:00 (GMT+2)

25.06.2017 0:00 (GMT+2) - 26.06.2017 0:00 (GMT+2)

31.03.2018 0:00 (GMT+2) - 11.04.2018 0:00 (GMT+2)

10.01.2019 0:00 (GMT+2) - 14.01.2019 0:00 (GMT+2)


Note no Marikana in that routine, indicating different fundamental elements within the call to violence,…

Balfour protests, 09,02,2010 are indicated by,..

Searching for: Mars[MA] and Mercury[ME] in hard transitory aspects[0,90,180] to Mercury only,.

MA'.0,90,180.ME & ME'.0,90,180.ME


Realization intervals (begin - end):

7.08.2000 0:00 (GMT+2) - 11.08.2000 0:00 (GMT+2)

22.07.2002 0:00 (GMT+2) - 24.07.2002 0:00 (GMT+2)

7.02.2004 0:00 (GMT+2) - 11.02.2004 0:00 (GMT+2)

5.07.2004 0:00 (GMT+2) - 6.07.2004 0:00 (GMT+2) The Harrismith protests in 30.08.2004

28.10.2009 0:00 (GMT+2) - 31.10.2009 0:00 (GMT+2)

10.02.2010 0:00 (GMT+2) - 15.02.2010 0:00 (GMT+2) The Balfour protest of 2009.

2.04.2010 0:00 (GMT+2) - 7.04.2010 0:00 (GMT+2) The Abahlali baseMjondolo march on Jacob Zuma in March, 2010.

16.05.2011 0:00 (GMT+2) - 20.05.2011 0:00 (GMT+2) Andries Tatane, 13.04.2011

1.08.2014 0:00 (GMT+2) - 4.08.2014 0:00 (GMT+2)

2.01.2016 0:00 (GMT+2) - 10.01.2016 0:00 (GMT+2)

14.05.2018 0:00 (GMT+2) - 17.05.2018 0:00 (GMT+2)

1.07.2019 0:00 (GMT+2) - 13.07.2019 0:00 (GMT+2)


Mars[MA] and Mercury[ME] are chosen here to search for violence as they are the regular accident bodies in Mythology,.

With Mars regularly indicating Marring and Mercury indicating movement/transport/peer group incidents,.

The two of them experience most aggravated circumstances in factor of 90 degree aspects to their native arrangements,. So these are used in the event search .0,90,180.

What makes the search of interest, the terms tough to comply with, is that 'both' bodies must be applying in aspect simultaneously,.. As you can see then this renders only 12 to 16 opportunities for the planets to match such conditions,..

What does seem apparent is that as Mercury and Mars share a 22,5 degree relationship in the SA nativity,. This has it that every search for aggravated 0,90,180 conditions also hits on its factors 22.5, 45, 67.5, 90, 112.5, etc,. such which, Mars and Mercury are thence both always then participant,..

This renders a feature perhaps even where so many mass actions occur in March through May months when the Sun, with Mercury moves past the tight 23 day zone,..

In distinguishing South Africa's penchant for tearing down the place here with the people of Zimbabwe's apparent docility towards the authorities,.. It is noted that Mars and Mercury are in totally opposite hemispheres in the18,04,1980 sky and in no factor 22,5 [tense] degree relationship,… Hence, with little ready access to each others functions, the masses are more prone to rather suffer silently, in contrast further in that sky being that Mars is with Jupiter and only 4 degrees apart, this indicates the power lying by the state and Mr Mugabe,.

Case point demonstration,..

As this is all rather simple maths as can be seen by the above's specific searches rendering zones in proximity to which the expected events are matched, that alone could have one assume that the results should be taken quite seriously,. What i want to do now is lead the observer to see how arcane star mythology very much applies to the simple maths above,.

I will use Andries Tatane, 13.04.2011 in this instance to demonstrate my point,.. All men are from Mars!?.

The nativity of the 'New' SA has Mars at 10deg Aries, as the Sun is in Taurus on 7deg,.

As Mars is within the 30deg sector immediately behind the Sun,. traditionally known as a forgotten, lost sector, a last vacant gap in cycles theory, Pythagoras's comma,.. the place of hidden enemies,. the dagger at the last hour, Judas Iscariot phase where the whole cycles progress can be thwarted,..

I have commented from the word go that as one can even see Winnie Mandela in this nativity [Moon, Jupiter, Pluto, Scorpio], so too can one see Stompie Moeketsi,. this Mars lying hidden in the back at 10 Aries,.. Mars being in Aries indicates the male being afflicted to the head, marred to the head, possibly fatally,.

Viewed mythologically then, its stands to read that the mother of the nation bins the young child and all their spritely youth,.. Read differently, the kids in the country won't get jack all, the talk of opportunity is utter bunk and literally the kids can go a begging,. Spoiled opportunity by the guardians, the guardian wilfully sacrificing the children,.

Regularly in mythology, it is Saturn, the Greek Kronos, that bins the young male brat,.. Both Mother and Father are archetypical in myth for their roll as 'the pillars of our society', what upholds our value and traditions, our social justice system,. But evidently in this tribal situation it seems that Winnie, the ungodly [Jupiter Pluto Scorpio] 'Mother' of the nation, seems to be better placed,..

Understand, in Hinduism, she is referred here to in the light of Kali, the destroyer goddess, to refresh your memory, that is the one with the necklace of decapitee's,. The penetration of images through myth to this very day impress me wholly as Winnie of course is legendary via both those references 'necklacing' and Stompie's slit throat,..

Saturn/Kronos in South Africa's nativity, the 'Father' of the nation is poorly placed in Pisces, a great guest speaker, bastion of wisdom, but a little past his effective prime,.. Pisces literally ruling isolation and imprisonment,.. As Mandela from prison to isolation politically, to Mbeki isolated in London to isolated politically here, perhaps too Zuma will end in Piscean isolation of the barred variety,.. Am i still seeing a female president on the horizon as the mother seems far more active on the negotiations end, able perhaps to ply her way easier than the old goat,..

So now back to the fun of mathematics and the case in point,..

Hazard a guess where Mars was the day of Andries Tatane,'s death!? You guessed it, 10 degrees Aries,..

This should get us onto the same sort of page in what we are dealing with when Mars and Mercury simultaneously hit hard aspects to SA's native Mars Mercury positions, "Stompie Seipei's" readily turn up,..

As per these last few months and the Marikana affair, Uranus, an 84yr mover is passing directly over the native Mars position,. Uranus entered Aries to within 1 day of Fukushima Japan 11.03.2011,. Hence there is evidence of one massive energy in that sector at present, if we had've included hard Uranian aspects into search conditions, Marikana and more like her would be highlighted through 2014,.. December 2013, April 2014, November 2014,.

Late 2013 shows the potential for massive changes in the constitution,. or as such,. the graces that were agreed to during the 'transition' are retrieved to some extent,.. 'we had to agree to those clauses as we were not the ones at the negotiations lead',. 'Now we can make those changes as we are the established and see fit thus to do so',..

Transits seem to indicate the president pulling these sorts of lines on 'previous agreements' here November 2013 arounds,.

So yes, simply put, tension periods indicated above will be escalated over 2012 2013 2014 dates shown above as per Uranus hard transit past SA's 'Stompie' position,..



Andries Titane
 Alexandria Xenophobia
 Longmin Marikana




@ Orb: 10

MA'.0,90,180.MA & ME'.0,90,180.ME

Those highlighted in bold are not found in the initial search orb of 4.125.

Realization intervals (begin - end):

7.11.2000 0:00 (GMT+2) - 22.11.2000 0:00 (GMT+2) 1

22.09.2001 0:00 (GMT+2) - 11.10.2001 0:00 (GMT+2) 1

25.01.2002 0:00 (GMT+2) - 27.02.2002 0:00 (GMT+2) 1

30.10.2002 0:00 (GMT+2) - 8.11.2002 0:00 (GMT+2) 1

3.04.2003 0:00 (GMT+2) - 14.04.2003 0:00 (GMT+2) 1

10.05.2004 0:00 (GMT+2) - 26.05.2004 0:00 (GMT+2)

13.10.2004 0:00 (GMT+2) - 23.10.2004 0:00 (GMT+2)

25.06.2005 0:00 (GMT+2) - 8.07.2005 0:00 (GMT+2)

3.05.2006 0:00 (GMT+2) - 12.05.2006 0:00 (GMT+2)

29.09.2006 0:00 (GMT+2) - 11.10.2006 0:00 (GMT+2) 1

18.01.2007 0:00 (GMT+2) - 23.01.2007 0:00 (GMT+2) 1

1.10.2007 0:00 (GMT+2) - 29.10.2007 0:00 (GMT+2) 1

7.11.2007 0:00 (GMT+2) - 20.11.2007 0:00 (GMT+2)

16.04.2008 0:00 (GMT+2) - 24.04.2008 0:00 (GMT+2)

29.12.2008 0:00 (GMT+2) - 27.01.2009 0:00 (GMT+2) 1

7.07.2012 0:00 (GMT+2) - 12.07.2012 0:00 (GMT+2) 1

20.07.2012 0:00 (GMT+2) - 22.08.2012 0:00 (GMT+2)

5.08.2013 0:00 (GMT+2) - 16.08.2013 0:00 (GMT+2) 1

9.01.2014 0:00 (GMT+2) - 20.01.2014 0:00 (GMT+2) 1

21.04.2014 0:00 (GMT+2) - 30.04.2014 0:00 (GMT+2) 1

6.11.2014 0:00 (GMT+2) - 17.11.2014 0:00 (GMT+2) 1

21.02.2015 0:00 (GMT+2) - 28.02.2015 0:00 (GMT+2) 1

21.07.2015 0:00 (GMT+2) - 30.07.2015 0:00 (GMT+2) 1

22.10.2016 0:00 (GMT+2) - 1.11.2016 0:00 (GMT+2) 1

4.02.2017 0:00 (GMT+2) - 16.02.2017 0:00 (GMT+2) 1

3.07.2017 0:00 (GMT+2) - 14.07.2017 0:00 (GMT+2) 1

21.01.2019 0:00 (GMT+2) - 1.02.2019 0:00 (GMT+2) 1

7.10.2019 0:00 (GMT+2) - 12.10.2019 0:00 (GMT+2) 1


Notable protests as per Wikileaks,.. Simply those used for purposes of this quick paper,..


Blogger dion said...

9.01.2014 0:00 (GMT+2) - 20.01.2014 0:00 (GMT+2)

Brits service delivery protest turns deadly

The killing of two protesters, allegedly by police, in Brits, North West, was condemned by the province's human settlements and public safety portfolio committee.

The police minister called for calm in Brits following the shooting of two protesters, allegedly by the police.

"allegedly by the police." 'IOL' #ANC mouthpiece in action,..

January 15, 2014 at 8:21 AM  
Blogger dion said...

Stones, petrol bombs,. Looting,. Residents in fear,. SA ANarchy ensuing!? #ANC control your peeps dudes!!

January 20, 2014 at 10:02 AM  

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