Blaze at Durban oil depot
Durban's Island View oil depot was ablaze on Tuesday night after three tanks exploded.
Hundreds of residents on the Bluff flocked to various streets and points to view flames shooting high into the night sky.
A Bluff resident, Ivan Raimbault, said there was an explosion at about 7pm.
Why am i posting this chart!? - look to the world page with the Texas Acetylene Plant Blast,.. Moon to Jupiter,... Look and Learn,..
Hundreds of residents on the Bluff flocked to various streets and points to view flames shooting high into the night sky.
A Bluff resident, Ivan Raimbault, said there was an explosion at about 7pm.
Why am i posting this chart!? - look to the world page with the Texas Acetylene Plant Blast,.. Moon to Jupiter,... Look and Learn,..

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