Soweto hostel dwellers launch disruptive protest
Johannesburg metro police fired rubber bullets at Soweto hostel dwellers protesting on Saturday against a lack of service delivery.
"We had to use rubber bullets to get them off the roads," said Chief Superintendent Wayne Minnaar.
He said rubber bullets were fired at protesting residents of the Dobsonville and Nancefield hostels. They took to the streets at 4.30am on Saturday along with Jabavu hostel dwellers, blockading roads with stones.

"We had to use rubber bullets to get them off the roads," said Chief Superintendent Wayne Minnaar.
He said rubber bullets were fired at protesting residents of the Dobsonville and Nancefield hostels. They took to the streets at 4.30am on Saturday along with Jabavu hostel dwellers, blockading roads with stones.

Labels: protest
Two initial points of interest here,. Mars Lifting to the top of the Sky,.... Mars Ruled Aries Hits the top of the sky, minutes after the said 4h30am,... Hmmmm,.. Violence/Individual Rights,...
Then further,. Our Approaching New Moon gives us a timing,.. December 2007,...
More warnings re: December 2007,..
"Saturday's protests were the latest in a string of often violent clashes between residents and police in townships around Johannesburg and in the Free State. In the worst incident, a rioting crowd hacked a local leader of the ruling African National Congress to death earlier this month in a Free State township."
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