"There is a national alert," said Eskom
The lights went out in several parts of South Africa on Thursday morning as Eskom carried out load-shedding as its capacity was stretched by a surprise surge in consumption. Power plants failed, including Koeberg nuclear power station's unit one, when the turbine tripped at 2.18am. "There is a national alert," said Eskom spokesperson Tony Stott.

Now this is a great one for look at that,… Virgo hits the Top of the sky,.. That Virgo that Saturn is moving into later in the year,..
Sun in Capricorn,.. Moon in Capricorn to the day,… Saturn is Ruler of Capricorn,.. So Saturn is the dude for the day,.. And as he passes the top of the sky,…
Wait,. Lets pause until Virgo,.. the wheels fall off,.. You better watch the fine print folks,.. The inner workings of the machine are rusted up here,.. We have some issues to take care of in this country,.. And this is obviously the signage,..
Saturn moves into Virgo 4th Sept 2007,..
Interest too is our Comet Mc Naught,.. Brightest Comet in 30yrs,..
Saturn was last in Virgo 30yrs ago,.. Fancy that,... Ripley’s Co-incidence or not,..
Comet actually means "Disaster",...
Hmm,.. give us one year to pass through the dust trail of that comet Jan2008,. Then another year for that Dust to circulate our atmosphere,..
Jan 2009,..
Alongside Saturn’s Passage though Virgo,.. The Next two years are going to be interesting regarding Health and Basic Infrastructure/Needs,..
Also very interesting,.. the Full Moon June 1st National Strikes Begin,.. Moon Jupiter in Sagittarius,.. 5degrees from the ascendant of this Koeberg’s failing,..
A further Fancy that,…
In Fact the Sun opposes the Jupiter of this chart almost to the Day,..
Jee,. Someone is real intent here on bringing this country to it’s knees,..
Or is this just the obvious cause and effect of time playing out here,.. hmmmm,..
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