Death of Rainbow Nation - Lonmin 2012
Right folks, what i dubbed the death of the rainbow nation, oddly enough is ramified by what we see in the skies for that day as per various dated charts,.

What this SA Freedom Day chart shows with the Marikana event chart overlaid could be rather worrying for the next few years,. Mars in Aries lagging behind the Sun in Taurus has always been South Africa's threat of rampant thoughtless violence,.
Too it is the indicator of Stompie Supey as Winnie Mandela is indicated by Moon Pluto in Scorpio, the ungodly 'mother of the nation',..
Mars in that position further has always been how the media never seems to accurately publish the violence/genocide in South Africa,. This is part of the 'Velvet Glove' parameters necessitated by the 'peaceful' transition dossier,.. So as such,. the violence in SA is always hidden, as are crime and rape stats etc,. This is no conspiracy but known fact,.
As such,. Notice Uranus has moved over that Mars position,.. This is a long term move that will be with us for some time,. Notice too that Pluto in Capricorn is square[90deg] to that Mars in Aries,.. The Pluto Uranus Square of last few years is typical of the 'Arab Spring' scenario where Pluto Capricorn is big corps and big government and Uranus in Aries is individual freedoms,.. The Square is the 'struggle' or fight between the two principles,.
So as such, first off i want to point out that in future, dates where this Uranus Mars conjunction will be in effect are for us to be concerned regards,..
30 09 2012 will be of interest,.
28 11 2012 further, [not in workers favour],.
30 03 2013 will be the grand fandangle there, [our presidents are nothing other than Oppenheimer pasties],..
What everyone should realise is that, as per Arab Spring, it is clear as day now that world nations are being 'co-ordinated' towards these various nation groupings or states. Libya 2011 is critical to that understanding,.
As such,. as long as all the various stake holders play their parts out correctly,. the Media is in lock step and as such, we may as well be governed by a gang of bandits who were sponsored by the global central planners,. Literally with 5% of SA's Municipalities actually producing a clean audit in 2012 it is clear further that this is the case as none of these 'elected' 'officials' does anything at all during the regular working day it seems,.. As long as they are on camera and SARS manages to keep some modicum of decorum all can falter along without many being much the wiser,. The corporations and our lust for life keep things afloat,.
So as such, we are very much on the precipice here i do assume,. Uranus covering Mars will not only be a velveted iron fist, but too a rampant phase of violence against minorities in the country,. Why? because thats the script the globalists fawned upon the puppet establishment,."When anyone criticises your apparent lack of any practical capability at running a first world nation - Blame the old 'regime' "
These guys may as well be telesales clerks working off a template while no one is the wiser that literally, the farmhouse is rent for valid occupants,..
There was no revolution here and lord help us one does arrive,..
Neptune passing over Saturn in Pisces will further reveal all these things i banter on regards,..
Pity thee with no eyes to see nor ears to hear,..

What this SA Freedom Day chart shows with the Marikana event chart overlaid could be rather worrying for the next few years,. Mars in Aries lagging behind the Sun in Taurus has always been South Africa's threat of rampant thoughtless violence,.
Too it is the indicator of Stompie Supey as Winnie Mandela is indicated by Moon Pluto in Scorpio, the ungodly 'mother of the nation',..
Mars in that position further has always been how the media never seems to accurately publish the violence/genocide in South Africa,. This is part of the 'Velvet Glove' parameters necessitated by the 'peaceful' transition dossier,.. So as such,. the violence in SA is always hidden, as are crime and rape stats etc,. This is no conspiracy but known fact,.
As such,. Notice Uranus has moved over that Mars position,.. This is a long term move that will be with us for some time,. Notice too that Pluto in Capricorn is square[90deg] to that Mars in Aries,.. The Pluto Uranus Square of last few years is typical of the 'Arab Spring' scenario where Pluto Capricorn is big corps and big government and Uranus in Aries is individual freedoms,.. The Square is the 'struggle' or fight between the two principles,.
So as such, first off i want to point out that in future, dates where this Uranus Mars conjunction will be in effect are for us to be concerned regards,..
30 09 2012 will be of interest,.
28 11 2012 further, [not in workers favour],.
30 03 2013 will be the grand fandangle there, [our presidents are nothing other than Oppenheimer pasties],..
What everyone should realise is that, as per Arab Spring, it is clear as day now that world nations are being 'co-ordinated' towards these various nation groupings or states. Libya 2011 is critical to that understanding,.
As such,. as long as all the various stake holders play their parts out correctly,. the Media is in lock step and as such, we may as well be governed by a gang of bandits who were sponsored by the global central planners,. Literally with 5% of SA's Municipalities actually producing a clean audit in 2012 it is clear further that this is the case as none of these 'elected' 'officials' does anything at all during the regular working day it seems,.. As long as they are on camera and SARS manages to keep some modicum of decorum all can falter along without many being much the wiser,. The corporations and our lust for life keep things afloat,.
So as such, we are very much on the precipice here i do assume,. Uranus covering Mars will not only be a velveted iron fist, but too a rampant phase of violence against minorities in the country,. Why? because thats the script the globalists fawned upon the puppet establishment,."When anyone criticises your apparent lack of any practical capability at running a first world nation - Blame the old 'regime' "
These guys may as well be telesales clerks working off a template while no one is the wiser that literally, the farmhouse is rent for valid occupants,..
There was no revolution here and lord help us one does arrive,..
Neptune passing over Saturn in Pisces will further reveal all these things i banter on regards,..
Pity thee with no eyes to see nor ears to hear,..
Symbolic degree symbols,.
* 25th degree of Leo 5 X 23
"A solitary camel crosses the desert with his rider; he is indifferent to the hazards of storm and lack of supplies."
This is the pentagram angle 144, 145 degrees of the zodiac,. Leo is always about territory and asserting ones perimeters and boundaries,. Note how Moon and Mercury are in early Territory, a position that even Napoleon enjoys,. Leo is known for this sort of behaviour and result,..
Indifferent to the hazards and lack of supplies,. could be,. like napoleon,. he could carry on in front as long as folks feared his image, his 'mane',. reputation, leo keyword,.
But as such, he really was,. but the extents of his perimeter scouting, he was at the end of his tether in all reality,.. A simple hard knock from the left would knock him right off his perch,. As a hard winter kinda did,..
So as such,.
this is about the big tough guy approach the tripartheid alliance?. [ is that a bizarre ref to a-partheid? tri-partheid,.. ] If they just keep a strong impression up and bully a little here and there,. Regardless of the voting, they can make it all look good for the globalist velvet glove series channel,.. Nations LIVE,. With zero, nada, nothing at their core as values and good for the people, they will just fudge the crust and keep up a good show knowing the way the globalist game goes,.
A solitary camel crosses the desert with his rider; he is indifferent to the hazards of storm and lack of supplies.
* 11th degree of Leo PRIME
"Beneath a huge oak, which holds back the rising heat of noon, some children potter at their games in a great swing."
This is again reference to the too and fro of the weeks events,. Strikers merrily upon the hill,..
* 6th degree of Leo
"A sweet old-fashioned belle and a pert and attractive little modern flapper, stand in mutual envy of each other."
thats the two unions asca and NUM? Also perhaps reference to Creoles, Coconuts and other class seeking indigenous apparatus,.
* 9th degree of Cancer
"A little miss, innocently devoid of any suggestion of clothing, leans over to catch a goldfish in a sparkling pond."
Very interesting,. Seeing as it is Venus passing Pluto Uranus tension point in Cancer that as such shows the flesh marred,. Cancer always being 'the population' and Venus always, the soft personal flesh,.. Possibly a reference to seeing more than one should of the states loin cloth,.
* 26th degree of Libra
"In an allegorical representation an eagle and a large white dove are revealed constantly changing into each other."
The dual ideas of peace [dove] and force [eagle] expressed by the same entity through time,..
This is maximum force to minimum force as used by the SAP, SADF under instruction of their authorities,. This is the Velvet glove with 'gloves off',.. This is how we keep a front operation running,. The two faces of our 'state',..
* 13th degree of Gemini 73 21st PRIME
"The great artist, a world famous pianist, sits at his instrument on the stage of a huge auditorium."
Jupiter rules "long distance" enterprise,.
This symbol points then to another 'globalists series' episode of 'velvet glove animal farm house' in progress,. The audacity is gestured in the extent of his 'instrument' at his disposal,..
* 25th degree of Libra
"A little boy, rebellious against school, watches a fluttering autumn leaf that seems to spell out his lesson for him ."
This again is reference to folks sitting around and watching the breeze,.. In one instance, it literally shows the employers profits sitting at idle,. the platinum bearing ore below the ground sitting there timelessly and the workers themselves,. whew,. tirelessly exercising their right to enjoy the breeze,. Saturn is Rocks, Authorities and Assets,.
* 9th degree of Aries PRIME
"A seer gazes intently into a crystal ball before him."
Well,. Uranus is the Sangoma and well, courage is what he was purportedly offering,. He was all over the situation as reported by the globalist press,. As such, not potentially in the Globalists factorings though are the spirits of these men,. The immortality factor,.. Understand, if i apply my mind to the South African HIV Aids phenomenon,.. My reduction is that the folks who went down the mine shafts for the european settlers,. they are reborn into the bodies of those who get the disease,.
This what we are seeing is an ancient bloodline being taken captive by another, or others, or caught up in a crossroads of others gaming out in globalist turf wars,..
Never the less from the perspective of these indigenous peoples we are here on the front porch these decades, watching the view,.. If only their spirits could turn the mine upside down for the living,.
The children have seen things now,. in that we can express hope for these peoples in their struggle,.
* 2nd degree of Pisces
"Almost as if possessed with man's intelligence a tiny squirrel remains watchful on a limb hidden from the hunter's."
Thats the Sangomas Rabbit,.. !!! Literally,.
* 8th degree of Capricorn
"A huge living room in an old fashioned frame mansion is flooded with sunlight and the canaries are singing happily."
thats the striking miners sitting on the hill happily,. Pluto is often indigenous peeps as far as the planets are concerned,..
* 2nd degree of Sagittarius
"A quick wind is making sport with the sea; through sharp mist as far as sight reaches are scurrying whitecaps."
* 2nd degree of Gemini
"A nervous gentleman dressed in an elaborate Santa Clause costume is filling Christmas stockings furtively."
* 28th degree of Taurus
"A woman in middle life stands in rapt sudden realization of forgotten charms, in unexpected recovery of romance."
The Politics of Representation: NUM and the beginning of the Marikana murders
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