It's official: Malema's EFF is a political party, the Art of Astrology
South African Interest"/>

Thursday, September 5, 2013

It's official: Malema's EFF is a political party

Julius Malema's Economic Freedom Fighters got the nod from the Independent Electoral Commission and can officially be called a political party.

Right here's a thing,..
Today is New Moon in Virgo,. 14 to be exact,.  Denebola is at 22 degrees Virgo,. That's Sept 11th, historically a litany of garbage events littered around 19-22 degrees Virgo,. Mercury is notably there on 24,. The 'Mismanagment from a distance' adage for Denebola kinda rings like 'we will make this province ungovernable',. Literally, from a distance,..

Big events for the map i would say are Leo's recent entrance into Leo,.. So this would be Julias himself,. His primary punch line lately being anti Zuma, Mars is indeed square to Saturn in Scorpio, all Zumas secrets that Jullas can mobilize against him,. Jay Naidoo just got arrested on the Swazi border,. I mean Julias could have a filed day with ANC corruption busting,. Blow many a Cadre out the water,.

For who's purpose?.. The map has the New Moon 9th hse, having just passed the top of the sky,. That's outside the country,. Virgo, a poor place,. oh,. Yes,. Virgo is this EFF, Virgo Earth, Labour, Strikes, the Service sector, Unions,. Pluto Capricorn rising,. Pretty much early 1930's sorta stuff, 'see the capitalists are thieves,. lets take our property back',.

Very interesting positions as Saturn was here in 2008 when Mugabe fudged the prior recent election,.. Mars is coming out the 8th house,. i.e. he is coming from the taboo zone,. The iron curtain,.. behind him is the New Moon in the 9th,.  high up, exerting pressure pushing him down,.

Malema is perhaps indicated as proverbially the knob end of a knob-kerrie being wielded by Mr Mugabe,.

What happened in SA when the globalist British socially engineered a 'save the indigenous peeps' mission from that dirty Boer regime back around Neptune Uranus conjunction in 1994,. Erecting a new saviour guy, 'the parables of,..'  Cheer in the new nation with the 'rebels' replacing the 'regime',..

Put it this way, ANC are the new kids on an old African beat,. 'What say we give them boys a little bit of pressure' thinks the neighbourhood bully,..

3rd house 'Neighbours', the borders and fences,. Neptune there,. 'Dissolved boundaries,..'

Pluto rising in Capricorn,. Well officially that's Xmas 2007 Polokwane and the start of the ponzi credit 'these banks just make us so much more money when we run them in the red' bust up,.

Pluto is the 'iron curtain' again, incidentally the Dragon,. Mugabe and then even China behind him,. Communists,. Red East nations,.. But too simply, burn down the tower, the contents are ruined anyway,.. Which i mean, gold bars with tungsten in them, it is a fair point in some respects,..

Whew,. Economic Freedom Fighters,. Communists? Freedom? Wheyy, that's a stretch,..

Ok so Uranus in the 4th that's interesting,. In Aries,. 4th is the land beneath our feet, just below where we sleep at night,.. The still of the night,. That Fukushima March 2011,. Also we have really seen much agitation there this year already, Miss Steenkamp was similarly shot dead by an apparent psychopath on a Moon Uranus in Aries evening,. Aries is the first point of life and often very raw as such, so often literally blood, 4th is around the home, close to the bed even,. So yeah, Uranus bottom of the sky in Agitated Aries ain't too happy for the regular peace loving Rainbow nationian,..

Not to say it indicates violence to whitey paniek bevange in sy private Fort Knox,. If anything its literally Pluto square Uranus recent North African anxieties, Spring with a zing,.. We want physical land/economic reforms,. Strike the nation to standstill,.

Jupiter Cancer setting is of interest, she comes before him,. Agang!?. Or Winnies Madikizela?..

Ok,. and he comes behind her,. She is by Sirius so a such perhaps raaaather powerful and we could even suspect be backed by the USA to some degree, Sirius and the USA Sun being together at birth,..  Ke? That's Agangs Ramphele surely,.. Zuma visited the CIA prior to his presidency too,.

Saturn 11th is the old male friend,. Scorpio, hidden,.. Interesting perhaps that he would appear square to these gents yet perhaps be Leo Acting!?

Agang worries me somewhat for we have spoken about the new prominent South African women and the deathly pang of the last one what with necklaces of skulls, Kali and Mrs Mandela's pre 94 sagas,..

In some sense this EFF chart shows 'A gang' circling the Ragtag bunch of rebels MI6 suited up an tossed in front of world telly's in 1994,..

If a president, in his personal capacity, cannot look after his own bank account,. Tell me, how can he look after a nations purse!?..

Venus at 24 Libra is interesting for she is a younger woman,. By Spica a moooost fortunate star in traditional astrology,..  So perhaps this is the bond girls at ZAR who of course comrade Malema despises for they are of the dirty world of money,.. She is perhaps the reality of a new money hungry lurking through the corridors of power, many masks we should be prepared to see played in the New South African 'Communist' dance,..

Interesting the lay of characters around this sky indeed,..

Action to Uranus 4th,. i.e. forcibly taking land,..
Mars trine to that Uranus in progressed time,.. 2021 2022,.. Interesting as that's in line with other interesting skies around the time,. the next Jupiter Saturn conjunction,. I recall a group i sat and we saw the ANC win the next election but really face stiff CAPS LOCK opposition if not violent revolution in the next,.. Moon enters Capricorn in 2021, passes Pluto in March 2022,.. By 2028 that progressed Moon would be passing Uranus,.. 2026 is Venus Saturn together and Moon passing Neptune in 2025,..

So wowie Maui folks, thats pretty hectic news,.. I wonder if a freedom front hits you like a cold front with a whole lot of hot air rushing in before it!?.. Surely we already knew Malema's that rather hot air,.. It's his cold peddlars that we should be real concerned regards?..

Many players playing ball here ne!?...


The Symbolic degree for 164 Virgo is of further interest perhaps,.
A large sheet of parchment is covered with finely lettered names and mysterious lines; it is a splendid family tree.

Degree of transformation and versatility. The stage. Feet. Business.

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