Adriaan Vlok was born on December 11 1937 in the Karoo town of Sutherland,..., Soweto hostel dwellers launch disruptive protest, "There is a national alert," said Eskom, Public Sector Strike Action 2007, the Art of Astrology
South African Interest"/>

Sunday, July 22, 2007

Adriaan Vlok was born on December 11 1937 in the Karoo town of Sutherland,...

the Symbolic degrees that seems most fit on the day/time of his birth,..
The Moon,....
24° Pisces - The tiny island seems lost in the broad ocean but its happy inhabitants have created a great world all their own.
and the Sun for that time,...
19° Sagittarius - The pelicans have been distressed by the intrusion of man; they are moving their habitat to places unknown.

These seem well in accordance with the Borevolk and the National Party Ideal,...

Have a look here,..
This is an eclipse of the Sun, a week before his birth,.. 11 Sagittarius,. That’s over the Star Antares,… The Secret police,… Antares Secret Forces,.. Third Forces,…

Of most interest now is Jupiter late 2007,..
Look how he is directly over this 11 Sagittarius,… Retrograding to this point,. Then later this year turning Direct,.. this will be the date line for the action then,..

See the New Moon on his twelfth of Imprisonment,..
See the Saturn Neptune relationship in 1937 and then in 2007,.. - very very similar,..
Hidden Government is this Saturn opp Neptune,..
See the Next Article,.. these are the Fall guys for who!?
the Boere volk sweated for who,...

I think a Matthias Rath article is neccesary to back this i mention up,.. click here,..

Tuesday, July 17, 2007

Soweto hostel dwellers launch disruptive protest

Johannesburg metro police fired rubber bullets at Soweto hostel dwellers protesting on Saturday against a lack of service delivery.
"We had to use rubber bullets to get them off the roads," said Chief Superintendent Wayne Minnaar.
He said rubber bullets were fired at protesting residents of the Dobsonville and Nancefield hostels. They took to the streets at 4.30am on Saturday along with Jabavu hostel dwellers, blockading roads with stones.


Tuesday, July 10, 2007

"There is a national alert," said Eskom

The lights went out in several parts of South Africa on Thursday morning as Eskom carried out load-shedding as its capacity was stretched by a surprise surge in consumption. Power plants failed, including Koeberg nuclear power station's unit one, when the turbine tripped at 2.18am. "There is a national alert," said Eskom spokesperson Tony Stott.

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Public Sector Strike Action 2007

28 May 2007 - Mail and Guardian
Last Friday, tens of thousands of unionists marched in major centres countrywide to demand better pay for public servants. The protest was a prelude to the first united national public-service strike, set for June 1,..
