The very 'Tribal' Judgement of the Hon Masipa vs Miss Reeva Steenkamp,..
Well, admittedly perhaps a rather fast-tracked 'Hon' in the first place
but with so many apparently token posts in South Africa these days,
who's keeping tabs anyhow,.. Position is everything, history can be
studied later on,.. The case was a high profile media event and
certainly an African woman was the requisite for the task at hand,..
Such task however seems to elude most for initially we all assumed,
surely an African woman was the last thing Oscar needed given the amount
of abuse suffered by African women historically at the hand of the big
men of their culture,..
So yes, I'm postulating this case was in fact judged by the powers that be Mr Zuma, the ANC and tribal heritage, a great symbolic opportunity to stick it to the masses, further, to the women of South Africa, to capitalisms pions, that they better behave, or else!..
Here's my candid take on what's the buzz with 'her' decision, for i don't feel it was her decision at all,..
Now lets also back track to my comments on Winnie Mandela some time back, the New South Africa's 'Freedom Day' chart and how we see Winnie and Stompie and Hecate's necklace of skulls,.. Perhaps read here for that piece,.
Basically we there detail how it is in fact the women of South Africa who run the men's affairs, from the foreground or the background, no matter, seems counter intuitive but it is supposed to,.. A system in which they use the big man up front to be their big stick and keep all the other women and subsequently further men firmly in line,.. This could be considered to be an ancient tribal strategy that it seems even Grace Mugabe has been playing at,.. Reed dance anyone? Such being mere sideshow to keep the big man feeling tip top,..
To me this is a covertly socio-political ruling, plain and simple,.. Oh but it couldn't be politics you'd say,.. Oh but it could be and here's how,.. I am assuming it's a very subtle reinforcement of a rather real historic indigenous 'tribal' authorities message to a: all the women in the country and b: to all the people/subjects of the countries patriarch/ the big man,. A point blank gesture for us all to suck up his misdemeanour's without questioning his authority any further,.. If you can't see that straight out, perhaps suffer more of my terse verse below,..
Cutting through all the surface images we are presented with in the judgement, what seems clearly underlying are the following,.. Of course one has to see these things in due context,..
Given we are living in a post loin-cloth century here in SA where as such we are 'fast-tracking' an entire indigenous population through the ropes of a 'modern' capitalist enterprises skill sets,.. One can allude the project to being a grand case of "come on y'all lets get y'all suited up and and into the corporate estate then, lovely utility items for y'all to work hard for, earn that cash for all these lovely consumer goodies y'all, get those accounts, loans, contracts, etc. rolling, we have an 'economy' to mobilise,.. " And so it was, in the 90th year Britain created the 'Rainbow Nation',..
Now let no-one forget that the capitalist model depends on a shock society to operate,. A society who's willingness to participate in such a 'limited resource model' is induced by vanity paired with constant shocks to ones personal being,.. No time or space for any would-be participant to actually think or breathe in peace,.. No they must be induced, coerced to participate,.. This is a fundamental reason why European Africaner's did so well internationally,. Based here in Africa, given the international corporate shock culture, it found a parallel here with Africa's likewise very real survival/threat oriented reality,..
This actually being what the global corporate banking empire knows and loves so well about the great 'Rainbow Nation' phase in SA's modern history,.. That our 'tribal' peeps indigenous culture is itself a sordid soup of shock culture where every personal item is up for grabs by any passing stronger a party,.. Where any day you could have your tribal elder sell you off to some European as a slave for hmmm "yes two bags of salt will do thanks",.. If you were lucky that is, else you could fight the elders chosen enemies for him or literally be fed to the vultures for all the tribes hierarchy cares,. That my friends is the very real African history some give or take one hundred years in the rear-view mirror,. Facts! Hence so it is that the empire builders knew this be a seedbed of psychopaths willing and waiting to do the Queens bidding,..
So my experience of it is that women are being beaten left right and centre in this country, in 8 minutes in fact 16 women and one child are raped in South Africa, such a fabulous environment for capitalist coercion,.. Given we predicted the circumstances prior to Reeva's murder and sure as the whole year was filled with such stories,.. Hell Devani even took a holiday package advertised by his trusty travel agent, "Rid thee of the wifey in SA" - "hmmm that sounds good" he thought to himself, "i'll take two!" ;)
So now, add this up folks,. A female judge, swart nogal, judges most reasonably assumed to stand up against a rich young whitey Boer se kind with an emotional IQ [EQ] of an errr…Oscar!? …that be a tropical fish yes,.. The judgement was thought to be an easy call for any moderate minded citizen,.
An what does she do but pay the piper, the tribal leader, the patriarch, the big man!?.. Phenomenal,..
Look around SA, what similars does this judgement in fact fall in line with?. You guessed it, "Fly me to the moon, Zooma786 requesting permission for take off",.. Her judgement in effect pays the piper his tribal dues,.. Constitution, 'New' South Africa, …'Rainbow' be damned, no one escapes the big man in historic African culture,..
Yeap, she just sanctioned the autocracy of our grand patriarch,.. She, right now, effectively gave permission for capitals 'patriarchy of the wage' to fly effortlessly off into the sunset,. She just okayed a fancy pool with a few fire buckets set in the background, it's daarem mos net a fire pool neh!?.. Corruption is a western paradigm ;)
Ladies, y'all get back to work and expect a good beating later this evening when y'all get home,.. The rest of you, what y'all doing complaining about e-Tolling, Nkandla, Gupta patronage, Marikana, Arms deal, IEC, Zero qualifications to get the top spot while all y'all pions take out dear loans and spend years working for your pithy qualifications,..
Certainly, we just got the big man, big stick verdict,.. This guy, he ain't gonna pay, he ain't gonna pay a dime,.. For he's the big man, way up there,. See him with the big stick? He's really good with it too ahem, in youth and nowadays too apparently,.. Yeap, best y'all get back to work else he gonna beat yo ass while back door he facilitates a far bigger nuclear deal than even Eskom could have swindled,..
That's what the fairest Masipa's very political message is,. An inherently ANC message in the dawning age of the ZANC,.
Two asides,..
Zuma's comments on corruption being a western paradigm,. This i feel is a flatly accurate comment if you follow the big man big stick fundamentals, as above, in tribal cultures the body is wholly subservient to the head, this is their culture, the wily use of the word 'paradigm' needs to be taken at face value there to understand that comment,.. Only Westernism extends the illusion that the host exhibits any vainly inspired individualism with respects to the parasitic elites,.. How else would we sell useless junk to our subjects if not for their vainly inspired flailing perception of individuality,..
Mmusi Maimane of the DA as such naively displays his avid want to please western capitalist backers, the Queen et al by playing the worthy/faithful African servant in challenging one of his very own tribal peeps on this one,.
All this is said prior to sentencing an boy can we certainly expect another surprise there,..
So yes, I'm postulating this case was in fact judged by the powers that be Mr Zuma, the ANC and tribal heritage, a great symbolic opportunity to stick it to the masses, further, to the women of South Africa, to capitalisms pions, that they better behave, or else!..
Here's my candid take on what's the buzz with 'her' decision, for i don't feel it was her decision at all,..
Now lets also back track to my comments on Winnie Mandela some time back, the New South Africa's 'Freedom Day' chart and how we see Winnie and Stompie and Hecate's necklace of skulls,.. Perhaps read here for that piece,.
Basically we there detail how it is in fact the women of South Africa who run the men's affairs, from the foreground or the background, no matter, seems counter intuitive but it is supposed to,.. A system in which they use the big man up front to be their big stick and keep all the other women and subsequently further men firmly in line,.. This could be considered to be an ancient tribal strategy that it seems even Grace Mugabe has been playing at,.. Reed dance anyone? Such being mere sideshow to keep the big man feeling tip top,..
To me this is a covertly socio-political ruling, plain and simple,.. Oh but it couldn't be politics you'd say,.. Oh but it could be and here's how,.. I am assuming it's a very subtle reinforcement of a rather real historic indigenous 'tribal' authorities message to a: all the women in the country and b: to all the people/subjects of the countries patriarch/ the big man,. A point blank gesture for us all to suck up his misdemeanour's without questioning his authority any further,.. If you can't see that straight out, perhaps suffer more of my terse verse below,..
Cutting through all the surface images we are presented with in the judgement, what seems clearly underlying are the following,.. Of course one has to see these things in due context,..
Given we are living in a post loin-cloth century here in SA where as such we are 'fast-tracking' an entire indigenous population through the ropes of a 'modern' capitalist enterprises skill sets,.. One can allude the project to being a grand case of "come on y'all lets get y'all suited up and and into the corporate estate then, lovely utility items for y'all to work hard for, earn that cash for all these lovely consumer goodies y'all, get those accounts, loans, contracts, etc. rolling, we have an 'economy' to mobilise,.. " And so it was, in the 90th year Britain created the 'Rainbow Nation',..
Now let no-one forget that the capitalist model depends on a shock society to operate,. A society who's willingness to participate in such a 'limited resource model' is induced by vanity paired with constant shocks to ones personal being,.. No time or space for any would-be participant to actually think or breathe in peace,.. No they must be induced, coerced to participate,.. This is a fundamental reason why European Africaner's did so well internationally,. Based here in Africa, given the international corporate shock culture, it found a parallel here with Africa's likewise very real survival/threat oriented reality,..
This actually being what the global corporate banking empire knows and loves so well about the great 'Rainbow Nation' phase in SA's modern history,.. That our 'tribal' peeps indigenous culture is itself a sordid soup of shock culture where every personal item is up for grabs by any passing stronger a party,.. Where any day you could have your tribal elder sell you off to some European as a slave for hmmm "yes two bags of salt will do thanks",.. If you were lucky that is, else you could fight the elders chosen enemies for him or literally be fed to the vultures for all the tribes hierarchy cares,. That my friends is the very real African history some give or take one hundred years in the rear-view mirror,. Facts! Hence so it is that the empire builders knew this be a seedbed of psychopaths willing and waiting to do the Queens bidding,..
So my experience of it is that women are being beaten left right and centre in this country, in 8 minutes in fact 16 women and one child are raped in South Africa, such a fabulous environment for capitalist coercion,.. Given we predicted the circumstances prior to Reeva's murder and sure as the whole year was filled with such stories,.. Hell Devani even took a holiday package advertised by his trusty travel agent, "Rid thee of the wifey in SA" - "hmmm that sounds good" he thought to himself, "i'll take two!" ;)
So now, add this up folks,. A female judge, swart nogal, judges most reasonably assumed to stand up against a rich young whitey Boer se kind with an emotional IQ [EQ] of an errr…Oscar!? …that be a tropical fish yes,.. The judgement was thought to be an easy call for any moderate minded citizen,.
An what does she do but pay the piper, the tribal leader, the patriarch, the big man!?.. Phenomenal,..
Look around SA, what similars does this judgement in fact fall in line with?. You guessed it, "Fly me to the moon, Zooma786 requesting permission for take off",.. Her judgement in effect pays the piper his tribal dues,.. Constitution, 'New' South Africa, …'Rainbow' be damned, no one escapes the big man in historic African culture,..
Yeap, she just sanctioned the autocracy of our grand patriarch,.. She, right now, effectively gave permission for capitals 'patriarchy of the wage' to fly effortlessly off into the sunset,. She just okayed a fancy pool with a few fire buckets set in the background, it's daarem mos net a fire pool neh!?.. Corruption is a western paradigm ;)
Ladies, y'all get back to work and expect a good beating later this evening when y'all get home,.. The rest of you, what y'all doing complaining about e-Tolling, Nkandla, Gupta patronage, Marikana, Arms deal, IEC, Zero qualifications to get the top spot while all y'all pions take out dear loans and spend years working for your pithy qualifications,..
Certainly, we just got the big man, big stick verdict,.. This guy, he ain't gonna pay, he ain't gonna pay a dime,.. For he's the big man, way up there,. See him with the big stick? He's really good with it too ahem, in youth and nowadays too apparently,.. Yeap, best y'all get back to work else he gonna beat yo ass while back door he facilitates a far bigger nuclear deal than even Eskom could have swindled,..
That's what the fairest Masipa's very political message is,. An inherently ANC message in the dawning age of the ZANC,.
Two asides,..
Zuma's comments on corruption being a western paradigm,. This i feel is a flatly accurate comment if you follow the big man big stick fundamentals, as above, in tribal cultures the body is wholly subservient to the head, this is their culture, the wily use of the word 'paradigm' needs to be taken at face value there to understand that comment,.. Only Westernism extends the illusion that the host exhibits any vainly inspired individualism with respects to the parasitic elites,.. How else would we sell useless junk to our subjects if not for their vainly inspired flailing perception of individuality,..
Mmusi Maimane of the DA as such naively displays his avid want to please western capitalist backers, the Queen et al by playing the worthy/faithful African servant in challenging one of his very own tribal peeps on this one,.
All this is said prior to sentencing an boy can we certainly expect another surprise there,..