Ngubane, 55, found dead in his
Mercedes-Benz on Saturday afternoon. He 'apparently' shot himself in
the mouth with a gun. He was appointed by President Jacob Zuma a year prior as secretary on the committee appointed to probe the arms deal. Questions over why top Durban
attorney Mvuseni Ngubane 'apparently' committed suicide fell far short of the mark, with family and friends purporting that
he showed no signs of distress even though his work load was intoxicated by crooks thieves and liars.
Sure,. 'No signs of distress',. I love these sorts of media lines like recently in Japan's Fukushima where folks are found littered around the site and/or decontamination sites with seemingly 'no known cause of death',.. Taking for granted they are working on the worlds largest EVER industrial accident spewing toxins hourly at a rate never before known to mankind,.. But yeah,. failing to hazard a guess, toss in the party line 'no known cause for distress',..
As in this case, the cause for distress was most obviously related to Zumas Arms Deal probe,. I mean, Hazard a guess his 'probe' came into contact with erm,. Lets in fact get some Kindergarten kids in here, even they will have better odds of guessing the underlying storyline here,. Chuckle, this brings into mind the day G.W. Bush sits leisurely in a Florida classroom all the while the largest 'terror' event in the USA's history unfolds,.. In that case the immediate smoking gun is of course most blatantly the fact that the secret service don't even flinch at their first mandate, Protecting the very president himself against such fiendish 'terrorists',. Lord no,. they sommer let him go on reading daffy the daft assed duck to a room full of, yeap ;) kindergarten kids,.. If the media ever was a truth bearer i will bend over backwards in these very boots,..
So these charts we have what i assume to be, number one the time his wife departs as we see the Moon setting,.. I have moved it forward to apparently the time of Mars rising which could be the actual marring event to his face,..
Earlier we even have a sky with Mars third indicating his visit with his brother that day as the news purported,.
Then the second chart here showing Saturn rising and Sun Jupiter coming out the 8th house,. Indicating perhaps his wife returning home to find Mvuseni dead in his vehicle, Mars coming out the 12th would be the actual sighting of the marred body as would Sun Jupiter out the 8th and the Saturn retro rising,..
What these then further indicate are,.. Of great interest being that the 'Freedom Day' progressed chart stands on 15th May 1994 in the year 2012,.. This event occurs on the 13th of May 2012,.. Note the Marikana chart also gives us a +- 2yrs heads-up, so as such this event too seems to point towards a 2yr time period up ahead,.. 2014 elections where the ANC will loose and so starts the SA civil war!? As a matter of fact, now that i look further, Venus turns retrograde 4 days after this event as the Moon passes Uranus in Aries in the 6th to that rising Saturn,. Can we believe that this experiment in 'Democracy' will literally, or was never a true attempt at 'democracy', but rather a changing of the Anglo puppets ruling the show,. Are all these event charts seriously showing more violence coming in the years now immediately ahead,. Afrikaaners, prepare yourselves,..
Some really simple pointers in the charts here being,. Sun Jupiter conjunction,. Jupiter is liberty and freedoms,.. The symbolic degree for 23 Taurus being "A magnificent jewelry shop is revealed, containing every conceivable article of value of beauty." Hmmm,. this points to the big mineral monies SA offers to those who can keep her in their grasp?.. Jupiter being Liberty and Justice,.. Well, we can clearly see what the central planners think of that one, spit in the face of lady justice as Saturn too in Libra, justice is the rising sign and as such the sign which posits the Saturnine Ngubane,..
Jupiter points to international assassins as we can see this scheme to be the furthering of the Anglo-British empire with their new Orwellian farm yard masters in the farm house,. The CCTV footage protected to protect the family, my word what a pathetic excuse, then further his brother 'not knowing of anything troubling Mvuseni',.. I mean pray tell, he is going to pipe up,. 'yeah, Mvuseni disclosed to me how there were this particular mob attached to Zumas special protection team who kept badgering him and threatening him',.. Yeah,. let me sign my own death certificate shall i!?
My new favourite Afrikaans word these days being 'belaglik' as really that is what this pompous media exercise truly is, belaglik!..
Facts are though,. Justice is never was, the new South Africa never was anything but the continued marauding by the Brits of the Afrikaaner peoples,. As can be seen in the recently most prosperous of African nations fall, that of Libya,. The central planners don't want any competition, none whatsoever will be tolerated and any rag tag bunch of terrorists will suit them to install as 'legitimate' revolutionary parliamentarians with a new class of oligarhs the likes of Ramaphosa, Sexwale et al included,..
In the words of Thabo Mbeki himself in Lucerne Switzerland Sept 12 1989 at the NIS meeting that preceded the unbanning of the ANC,.. 'Well, here we are, the terrorists, and for all you know fucking communists as well.'
The Media who report on all these things are corporations owned by whom exactly folks?.. So who's storyline does one think they are going to pander to!? As they say,. follow the money and if it don't make sense, someone is most obviously lying ;)
Labels: fukushima, marikana, mbeki, Orwell, Pamaphosa, sexwale, terrorists, Zuma