The roots of the ANC lie in Pixley Seme?..
So a primer into the roots of the ANC and what's all this current fuzz about,..
08 Jan 1912 Pixley Seme founds the SANNC,..

Very interesting Capricorn sky placing the Sun right in the path of the generational Uranus Neptune opposition phase of their cycle which completed in 1993/4 within 2 deg of where the Sun sits on in this SANNC founding sky,.. i.e. impressive long term correlation over very many decades,.
Ok so Sun in Capricorn is on the Uranus side of the opposition,. Uranus being Western academic materialistic nations and Neptune Cancer representing Eastern religious communist nations,.. Fair game, the opposition expressed as the "Cold War",.
So Astrology speculates that the ANC is a Western nations /USA/UK formulation,.
Co-incidentally when some light reading regards Mr Pixley reveals that Seme was born at an American Zulu Mission of the American Board of Commissioners for Foreign Missions in Kwa-Zulu Natal,. At 17 Seme left South Africa to study in the U.S.A., first at the Mount Hermon School and then Columbia University,. He further goes on to Oxford in the UK and co-incidentally moves back to S.A. after the Union of South Africa, surely not as as an instrument of the queen..
"In 1982, the Subcommittee on Security and Terrorism, of the Judiciary Committee of the United States Senate, conducted a thorough investigation of the problem. The subcommittee report concluded: ". . . that the original purposes of the ANC and SWAPO have been subverted, and that the Soviets and their allies have achieved alarmingly effective control over them."20"
20. Ibid., p.28; U.S. Department of State, Bureau of Public Affairs, "Soviet Active Measures: An Update," Special Report No. 101, Washington, D.C., July 1982, p. 3.
The 1923 progression clearly shows the name change to the ANC,. Progressed New Moon with Uranus last degree of Capricorn, on the very cusp of Aquarian 'Liberation',. Go team USA?..

This very possibly explains how we find 1990's pics of Mbeki and Sexwale chilling with Mr Oppenheimer,. Ramaphosa also made a ton of money through such western affiliations,.
Zuma's camp looks to hold all the 'dark side' entities in the Cold War equation,. Neptune in Cancer,. BRIC'S bank, The Indian Gupta's,. The Soviet Nuclear deal, Tina Yoematt Pieterson as Energy Minister and prominent SACP member,.. All clear indications of Eastern powers climbing into SA's purse and borders,. Winning the economic war as such,.

Currently then 2016 we see the Sun's entrance into Taurus,. Saturn retro and Mars there,. Zuma and Malema,. "Pay back the Money",..
But Moon is going to Pluto and Mars Neptune in Cancer,. Wholly on the dark side as such,. Mars Neptune Cancer is clearly the Gupta sons,. Saturn Mars Taurus is then clearly Zuma an sons,. 11th hse relationship, 'the buddy system',..
Seme had the same problems as Zuma, no money, so always needing someone's trust to draw from,. The ANC sky shows this pretty clearly,. Saturn Taurus trine Sun Capricorn trine Moon Virgo,.
Back in the day the Sun was over Uranus end of the sky,. Since progressing passed 17 Aries [2000/1] the Sun is in the Neptune hemisphere of the sky and only heading deeper,.
Currently the Mercury retrograde in Taurus with Pluto over ANC's Sun in Capricorn and Jupiter over their Virgoan Moon,. Yeap, Pay back ze $$$ in the headlights,..
Personally very interested in the current Mars Saturn retrograde over Antares, 'the Heart of the Scorpion',.
Essentially all the leaks worldwide over the last few years,. Secrets Scorpio Secrets,. The power of secrets,.
The Jimmy Saville Royal Family scandal that rocks right down to the core of modern western establishments,.
IMF, FIFA, Vehicle manufacturers, Fraud on panoramic scales,. HBSC actually laundering money for Drug cartels,.
Late 24 August 2016 Mars Saturn conjunction might well show the final blow to this patriarchal dark entity,.

Perhaps one needs to look further into the SACP's skies to see where this is going,. Especially over the next few years it seems the ANC are going more underground,.
Maybe the Sun into Taurus displays wholly how someone owns the ANC,. Saturn now direct in the progressed charts is the leader owned as in Zupta,. Or the actual owner themselves Oppenheimer Tauren diamonds!?,. The Tauren trine to Capricorn birth place could see resilience from the original Uranian backers,.
Interesting as i did recently fumble upon the flittering that indeed Gupta is the recent exposed ANC leader paymaster situation,. I mean his only failing was being caught?. How many other ANC leaders were way on the European corporations paella scheme back in the early transition years,. Now its just a little more dusky with a huckster pres and his bollywood bros,.
Hitachi, Chancellor house? Again, recent money from the east?..
That the 'ANC needs your money' seems to be clear,..
What's a real buzz is that today turns out to be the ANC's progressed birthday for April 21 2016,. Sun 2 deg Taurus,. Weird, i don't post much these days and the time get around to doing so, 1912 and 2016 are tripping out with each other, very weird,.
Enjoy the Circus ;)
ps, craziest idea ever is regards the drought, although 11year solar max and it's predicted weather, we do have all this Uranium at Pelindaba that the US is asking very nicely if it can store for us,. Using weather warfare to bring em banditos to their knees is not beyond what my imagination could contrive,..
Recently the KZN city of Durban, perhaps the third or fourth largest, maybe fifth largest city in SA, on the very day it was planned to cut the water daily, starts raining and rains for days on end, over a duration of weeks thereafter constant spells of rain,. Just made me think a little, co-incidental neh!?..
Oh to not be stuck between two world super powers :(
Btw Sept 2014 Tina Yoematt Signed the Nuclear deal already,.
08 Jan 1912 Pixley Seme founds the SANNC,..
Very interesting Capricorn sky placing the Sun right in the path of the generational Uranus Neptune opposition phase of their cycle which completed in 1993/4 within 2 deg of where the Sun sits on in this SANNC founding sky,.. i.e. impressive long term correlation over very many decades,.
Ok so Sun in Capricorn is on the Uranus side of the opposition,. Uranus being Western academic materialistic nations and Neptune Cancer representing Eastern religious communist nations,.. Fair game, the opposition expressed as the "Cold War",.
So Astrology speculates that the ANC is a Western nations /USA/UK formulation,.
Co-incidentally when some light reading regards Mr Pixley reveals that Seme was born at an American Zulu Mission of the American Board of Commissioners for Foreign Missions in Kwa-Zulu Natal,. At 17 Seme left South Africa to study in the U.S.A., first at the Mount Hermon School and then Columbia University,. He further goes on to Oxford in the UK and co-incidentally moves back to S.A. after the Union of South Africa, surely not as as an instrument of the queen..
"In 1982, the Subcommittee on Security and Terrorism, of the Judiciary Committee of the United States Senate, conducted a thorough investigation of the problem. The subcommittee report concluded: ". . . that the original purposes of the ANC and SWAPO have been subverted, and that the Soviets and their allies have achieved alarmingly effective control over them."20"
20. Ibid., p.28; U.S. Department of State, Bureau of Public Affairs, "Soviet Active Measures: An Update," Special Report No. 101, Washington, D.C., July 1982, p. 3.
The 1923 progression clearly shows the name change to the ANC,. Progressed New Moon with Uranus last degree of Capricorn, on the very cusp of Aquarian 'Liberation',. Go team USA?..
This very possibly explains how we find 1990's pics of Mbeki and Sexwale chilling with Mr Oppenheimer,. Ramaphosa also made a ton of money through such western affiliations,.
Zuma's camp looks to hold all the 'dark side' entities in the Cold War equation,. Neptune in Cancer,. BRIC'S bank, The Indian Gupta's,. The Soviet Nuclear deal, Tina Yoematt Pieterson as Energy Minister and prominent SACP member,.. All clear indications of Eastern powers climbing into SA's purse and borders,. Winning the economic war as such,.
Currently then 2016 we see the Sun's entrance into Taurus,. Saturn retro and Mars there,. Zuma and Malema,. "Pay back the Money",..
But Moon is going to Pluto and Mars Neptune in Cancer,. Wholly on the dark side as such,. Mars Neptune Cancer is clearly the Gupta sons,. Saturn Mars Taurus is then clearly Zuma an sons,. 11th hse relationship, 'the buddy system',..
Seme had the same problems as Zuma, no money, so always needing someone's trust to draw from,. The ANC sky shows this pretty clearly,. Saturn Taurus trine Sun Capricorn trine Moon Virgo,.
Back in the day the Sun was over Uranus end of the sky,. Since progressing passed 17 Aries [2000/1] the Sun is in the Neptune hemisphere of the sky and only heading deeper,.
Currently the Mercury retrograde in Taurus with Pluto over ANC's Sun in Capricorn and Jupiter over their Virgoan Moon,. Yeap, Pay back ze $$$ in the headlights,..
Personally very interested in the current Mars Saturn retrograde over Antares, 'the Heart of the Scorpion',.
Essentially all the leaks worldwide over the last few years,. Secrets Scorpio Secrets,. The power of secrets,.
The Jimmy Saville Royal Family scandal that rocks right down to the core of modern western establishments,.
IMF, FIFA, Vehicle manufacturers, Fraud on panoramic scales,. HBSC actually laundering money for Drug cartels,.
Late 24 August 2016 Mars Saturn conjunction might well show the final blow to this patriarchal dark entity,.
Perhaps one needs to look further into the SACP's skies to see where this is going,. Especially over the next few years it seems the ANC are going more underground,.
Maybe the Sun into Taurus displays wholly how someone owns the ANC,. Saturn now direct in the progressed charts is the leader owned as in Zupta,. Or the actual owner themselves Oppenheimer Tauren diamonds!?,. The Tauren trine to Capricorn birth place could see resilience from the original Uranian backers,.
Interesting as i did recently fumble upon the flittering that indeed Gupta is the recent exposed ANC leader paymaster situation,. I mean his only failing was being caught?. How many other ANC leaders were way on the European corporations paella scheme back in the early transition years,. Now its just a little more dusky with a huckster pres and his bollywood bros,.
Hitachi, Chancellor house? Again, recent money from the east?..
That the 'ANC needs your money' seems to be clear,..
What's a real buzz is that today turns out to be the ANC's progressed birthday for April 21 2016,. Sun 2 deg Taurus,. Weird, i don't post much these days and the time get around to doing so, 1912 and 2016 are tripping out with each other, very weird,.
Enjoy the Circus ;)
ps, craziest idea ever is regards the drought, although 11year solar max and it's predicted weather, we do have all this Uranium at Pelindaba that the US is asking very nicely if it can store for us,. Using weather warfare to bring em banditos to their knees is not beyond what my imagination could contrive,..
Recently the KZN city of Durban, perhaps the third or fourth largest, maybe fifth largest city in SA, on the very day it was planned to cut the water daily, starts raining and rains for days on end, over a duration of weeks thereafter constant spells of rain,. Just made me think a little, co-incidental neh!?..
Oh to not be stuck between two world super powers :(
Btw Sept 2014 Tina Yoematt Signed the Nuclear deal already,.